Wills and Estate Planning Services Perth
We understand the importance of securing your legacy and ensuring your loved ones are taken care of during your lifetime, and after you pass away.
Guardian Wills and Probate are here to guide you through every step of the process.
Simply fill out the form below or call us for an obligation free consultation.
Phone: 08 9300 1708

Ensuring a Secure Future
A well-drafted Will captures your wishes and provides certainty about how your assets will be distributed, to ensure your loved ones are cared for in the future. We offer a range of Wills to suit your needs, from simple Wills for straightforward estate plans and cost-conscious individuals, to tailored Testamentary Trust Wills for families seeking greater asset protection for future generations. Book in to speak to one of our experienced lawyers so we can guide you through the options best suited to your circumstances.
Preserving Your Legacy
Do you have specific wishes about your sentimental possessions, family heirlooms, or any charitable contributions you wish to make? We can help you make sure these are clearly communicated in your Will to align with your beliefs and intentions, allowing your legacy to live on after your death.
Protecting Loved Ones
Are you a family with young children, worried about who would take care of them if you suddenly passed away? It is important to have a plan in place in case this happened. As part of this plan, you can name your preferred guardian in your Will – someone you trust to look after your children if you are gone. Whilst the Family Court still makes the final guardianship orders, it is important to have your wishes documented so it is clear who you trust and prefer to look after your dependants one day.

Avoiding Intestate Succession
Dying without a valid Will can result in unintended people benefitting from your wealth, or the wrong person managing your estate. It also creates more complexity and added costs to the administration process, leading to potential disputes or prolonged legal proceedings, and unnecessary stress for grieving families. A well-crafted Will ensures that your estate will be managed according to your wishes and can give you confidence to discuss your plans with your family ahead of time, reducing the risk of conflicts or disappointed expectations.
Have you made a Will but can’t find it? Did you get married or divorced since making your last Will? A Will can be lost, destroyed or revoked – sometimes despite best intentions. We can guide you through the process of putting a valid Will in place with minimal stress. Our experience in managing deceased estates and helping grieving families gives us special insight to the issues you should consider. We use our extensive experience to help you find your own optimal estate planning solution with a friendly, practical and “plain English” approach.
We pride ourselves in having meaningful conversations with you about your circumstances and giving you practical options for implementing your estate plan. More than just documents, we give you the tools and information you need to speak with your loved ones about your plans and help you understand the importance of regular reviews.
Planning for Incapacity
Estate planning, more than just making a Will. What about making sure the right person can manage your affairs if you are unwell or lose capacity in future? Making an Enduring Power of Attorney or Enduring Power of Guardianship can give you reassurance that your legal representative is named in advance, so they are empowered to step in and help you if unexpected events leave you unable to act for yourself.
Are you concerned about end-of-life care? We can talk to you about making your wishes known in advance, giving you peace of mind about future treatment, and relief to your loved ones from making stressful decisions.
Wills and estate planning is a proactive endeavour that reflects our care, responsibility, and love for those who matter most.
Let Guardian Wills and Probate be your guide.
Contact Us
Guardian Wills and Probate | Perth, WA
Suite 2, 189 Lakeside Drive
Joondalup WA 6027
Phone: 08 9300 1708